1.To download run file of the jasperserver from the site
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperserver/files/latest/download?source=files
2.To integrate the jasper report and the icinga we have to download a package from
- Select the option under Icinga-Reporting (stable)
- Put icinga-report package in the opt directory
3.To installation enter this run file
chmod o+x jasperreports-server-cp-5.5.0a-linux-x86-installer.run
sudo ./jasperreports-server-cp-5.5.0a-linux-x86-installer.run
select all default settings
accept and press Forword button
Choose custom install option
Put installation directory in the /opt (or where you want to put that)
Select bundled option of postgresql and apache-tomcat
Give unique port no. the tomcat server
Give unique port no. to the postgresql database
now jasper server is installing
4. go to the jasper-server directory
cd /opt/jasperreports-server12
5 start the server through this command
./ctlscript.sh start
6.go to the buildomatic directory of the jasper reports server import the icinga-reports.zip through js-import.sh (it will be in the jasperreports-server12/buildomatic/)
sudo cd /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-5.5.0a/buildomatic/
Now we have to import the js-icinga-reports.zip in the jasper server through the js-import.sh script
sudo ./js-import.sh --input-zip /opt/icinga-reports/jasperreports/package/js-icinga-reports.zip
7. go to the icinga-reposts directory
sudo cd /opt/icinga-reports
8. configure the jasper server
sudo ./configure --with-jesper-server=opt/jasperreports-server-cp12
9. run this command (if it generate error then we can put the mysql-connector.jar manually)
sudo make install-mysql-connector
10. copy the icinga-reporting.jar into the jasper server apache-tomcat
sudo cp /opt/icinga-reports-package/jasperreports/classes/icinga/icinga-reporting.jar /opt/jasperreports-server12/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib
(or we can also put the icinga--reporting.jar manually to destination)
11. go to the jasper-server directory
$ cd /opt/jasperreports-server12
and ./ctlscript.sh restart
12. go to the web browser and Enter the
login page, login and admin default user login and password(jasperadmin)
select icinga and then Data Sources and then IDO edit
now in edit driver option you can install mysql-connector mannually this will be the mysql-connector-java.jar path
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